Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some Simple Tips To Living Before You Move

Moving can be made easy if you approach it well and do little bits and pieces in the weeks and days before the actual day. You should have your check lists done, but here is a little more to help you approach it and not make that moving day such a big hassle. Ask your Newcastle Removalists what you can do before to lower your costs and make their job easier

Time to sell off. Moving is a great time to get rid of those things that you have been storing for ages and not even using them. If you are not one that likes to open their home for a garage sale, why not take items down to pawn-brokers and see what you can get. You can also donate items to welfare. You might want to look at the collections of things that you really don’t have interest in and see what you can get for them. It is important to think about where you are going to live and how you new lifestyle is going to be affected. Items like a garage full of tools might not be practical any more.

Think about storage. You might need some time to think what you really need in your new location and one option is only moving your necessities. Keeping others in storage might be a good option. If you are going overseas for a year or two’s work, this is often the case.

Cut down on groceries. By the time you move you should only have a few essential items. Food should never be wasted and now is a good time to use everything that you have.

Getting boxes. You can get boxes cheaply from many places where you shop normally. Bars and liquor stores have boxes that are designed to handle heavy loads and these are good to use. Grab boxes as you need them in the weeks leading up to moving day.

•    Do a little each day. It is amazing what you can get by on when you have to, and if you think of the weeks before your moving day as a holiday, you can start to see what you get by on. Pack something each day, work from room to room and get used to using less and less of your things – it is only for a couple of weeks. If you are good there will be practically nothing to pack when the interstate removalists arrive. This can also save you a bundle on your moving costs – packing yourself.

•    Good time to take photos. Now that you are packing your items one by one, it is a good time to take all your photos, and make sure that you take photos of each item that you pack. If you do this well, you can label your photos and your boxes to match. This is good for both your home and contents insurance as well as dealing with your itinerary and your moving company.
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