First thing first. You need to collect recycled papers or newspapers and boxes once you've planned your moving date. Most Furniture Removalists Sydney will provide you with boxes at a charge. At times Removalists also provide assistance on packing and also provide insurance which is important if you're moving expensive or antique items.

If you are moving yourself, you can buy boxes from Removalists, storage places etc. Basically, you pack similar items together. Work out a good time to sort stuff out. Do not pack too much into a box as someone has to lift it which usually can weigh up to 20kg max.
Use stuff like pillows, cushions, donas, towels to fill up the boxes with plates etc to keep weight down.
Crockery is generally wrapped in layers of paper individually. Stuff cups with paper, then wrap. Plates stack from bottom up. Its usually done horizontally, then bowls, pad with scrunched up newspaper balls and then cups on side, lots of padding.
Seal all boxes with packing tape. Hint, seal bottom first before you put anything in it and make sure you carry boxes underneath, not on sides.Clearly label all boxes and its contents of each box.You could probably double, triple, quadruple the number of boxes you initially planned.You can pack towels, sheets, loosely inside plastic shopping bags to help keep them clean inside boxes.
Start packing early with the things you use least.

If necessary, plan the last weeks menu that requires the least cooking. Or to better that, why not order some take aways. So you can get 99% of the cookery related stuff packed.If your fridge or freezer is iced up, do not forget to turn it off a couple of days or more beforehand to allow it to defrost.Generally, you do not pack stuff inside these, unless you are moving yourself (to save space) and then after it is loaded.
Also, require your kids to pack their stuff early, but remind them to keeps stuff out for last week and trip.
Lastly, have plenty of boxes left over as you will never efficiently pack all those last minute things.Also, find it in your area for cheap two wheel trollies. They are well worth buying if you have to cart 300 boxes out of one house and into another.
Once you've decided the approximate date to move, you can get free Quotes from Cheap Removals Sydney or Canberra Removalists.
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